
Entry (1/3)1  manambolo (ambolo)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Mamantatra zavatra iray amin' ny fofona, maka fofona: Mahay manambolo sokina ve io alikanao io? [1.1#586]
Explanations in French  4  flairer, sentir une odeur, lever la piste [1.3#29]
Examples  5  ny fiteny heno matetika koa dia manambolo. [2.313#15]
6  Present :
7  Past :
8  Future :
9  Imperative :
Other spellings  10  manimbolo
Proverbs  11  Proverbs containing the word manambolo

Entry (2/3)12  Manambolo (anana)
Part of speech  13  name (toponym)
Vocabulary  14  Geography: towns
Elementary words  15  manana, volo
Tables and plates  16  Full list

Anagrams  17  malombona, Manambolo, manambolo, malombona, Manambolo, manambolo

Updated on 2020/12/15